(Energy) Drink Testing

- Infos

Welcome here to www.energydrinkshannover.blogspot.com, the site where you can inform yourself about Energy Drinks and the companies/shops who sell it. In the future i will publish my results of all tests of any Energy Drink, i may get. 
Because of the high visitor rate, i try to get a free website, where I wil move the blog then to. But i will inform you  when time is come.

www.facebook.com/Energydrinks.energized <-- that's my facebook page where I am active, posting my collection AND promoting this page and the tests. Please check it out as well.

For those who don't know: i will apply certain criteria.

- taste
- smell
- design
- expectations
- effect
- price
- homepage
- result

I have to say that i am honest, when I test the Drinks. If there is something, what i do not like, i tell you. The other way around: If there is something, what i explicitly like, i'll tell as well.